Thursday, October 11, 2012

Four Ways You Can Dodge a PowerPoint Disaster

If you are in a profession where you have to give regular presentations then chances are PowerPoint is your weapon of choice to deliver these presentations. For many of us, the thought of presenting can be a little frightful. Therefore, the last thing you want is for things to go wrong in your presentation. Although you can never be 100% safe from PowerPoint disaster, this article will highlight a few tips you can use to make yourself as disaster free as possible.

Get there early

There's nothing like good planning and organisation to help you keep on top of things. When it comes to presentations, you really should aim to arrive around half an hour early. If you do this, then you'll have plenty of time to calm your nerves, test out all of the equipment, and set your computer up so your presentation is ready to go.

Carry your faithful USB key

You can never be too prepared for a PowerPoint presentation. Great preparation starts with a USB key complete with a back-up of your entire presentation. You never know when your computer or laptop may decide to give you grief, so having a large USB flash drive on hand will protect you from the potential destruction intermittent technology can bring. Plus, you may find you want to transfer large files from your computer to another. Be sensible and carry a USB key for good measure.

Take your own remote

In many presentation areas, such as a lecture hall or large conference centre, the PowerPoint remote provided is often only synced with a certain PC or laptop. This means that if you plan on using your own computer for your presentation then you're going to have to pull it off without your trusty remote. The remote is a great tool to move effortlessly through your presentation. It will also help you be more animated with your delivery, as you won't be forever going back and forth between the stage and your computer. You could always transfer your presentation to the computers provided, but it's a much easier solution to just bring your own remote to the presentation.

Plan, plan, plan

Honestly, plan like there's no tomorrow. Think of all the potential hurdles you have to face when creating your presentation and ensure that you're covered for each. Problems such as internet availability and data that's not backed-up can all throw your presentation off course and into the dark depths of failure. Be a smart cookie and plan your every move.

Follow these steps and you'll be on your way to avoiding Powerpoint disaster. To make your presentations even better, you could benefit from a course to become a master. JB Consulting offer these courses in the UK and they'll teach you a few great tricks of the Powerpoint trade. Head over to their website for more info.

View the original article here

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